Emerging Issue Areas

Gender and Reproductive Justice

Issues related to gender, gender equity and reproductive justice are often central to efforts to promote healthy, secure and thriving communities and families. Income and pay disparities, access to contraception and education about reproductive choices, family roles and power dynamics, safety, and access to affordable, quality child care are among the specific ways gender, gender equity and reproductive justice matter. Over the years, CAPD has evaluated efforts aimed at improving the lives of women and girls, including adolescent parents and their children, and has contributed to policy papers on the issues noted above.  

In addition, we are interested in understanding and applying emerging research on the differences and relationships among sexual orientation, biological sex, gender presentation and individuals’ lived experiences. This includes understanding that lived experiences for transgender individuals may differ from those who are cisgender (an individual who identifies comfortably with the gender he/she was assigned at birth) - and understanding that difference as another possible driver of disparate outcomes. We strive to acknowledge the value of multiple perspectives of what “masculine” and “feminine” mean, and to use that understanding to inform our work with different populations.

In all of our evaluation work, we apply an inclusive and intersectional gender lens - looking at the impact of sexual orientation, gender orientation, socioeconomic status, and race/ethnicity, among other identities, on communities and individuals. This intersectional approach requires developing an understanding of the many ways in which identities are shaped. Further, it necessitates studying the ways in which the impact of discrimination and structural inequity are felt differently by members of groups who have multiple identities in play. We are also excited about recent development in the field, such as gender transformative philanthropy, which acknowledges the ways in which traditional notions of “appropriate” male and female behavior limit our collective and individual growth, and seeks to move beyond them.